The Conquest of Britain
- Celts invaded British Isles
- Anglo-Saxons took over most of what is now England
The Coming of Christianity
- Celtic Christian Church still thrived after Celts lost what little left they had of Rome
- Roman cleric Saint Augustine set up a monastery and preached his faith
Danish Invasion
- King Alfred earned the epithet "The Great" by resisting Danish encroachment, only in England's history
- King Edward "The Confessor" deeply religious Christian
The Norman Conquest
- Normans descendants of Vikings
- Normans remade a feudal system
The Reign of the Plantagenets
- Norman rule ended in 1154, Henry Plantagenet took the throne
-Henry took a pilgrimage to Becket's tomb
The Magna Carta
- King promised to tax land without meeting either barons first.
- didn't impose radical changes in the government
Lancasters, Yorks, and Tudors
-1399, House of Lancaster replaced the Plantagents o the throne
- War of the Roses pitted York against Lancaster
Decline of the Feudal System
- After The Black Death, labor shortage increases in England
- Peasants staged royal against serfdom
Anglo-Saxon Literature
- Beowulf, epic or long heroic poem
- Before Alfred The Great all prose written I the British Isles was composed into Latin
Literature of the English Middle Ages
-Church sponsored plays as a part of religious services
-Geoffrey Chaucer a famous poet that wrote The Canterbury Tales
Wow, what inhibits you!? I say nothing for that matter. I have no jeremiads except that I wish there was more! There is so much passion in your notes that no one could misinterpret this for disingenuous nonsense. Every word has a meaning and the didactic quality of it makes me just want to fulminate with happiness. This complements the burgeoning career you don't have in mind for the future because I know you want to be a fashion stylist and not a professional note taker. But have you ever considered it? I mean really, you could never make any faux pas (I want this to be plural sounding but if I add another s it won't look right and if I add an es that too won't look right so I trust you to just pronounce it right:)) because you would most likely become an introvert and take notes all day but still never lose your natural tan! You would never have to deal with bauble anymore because I know the fashion world has many fashion offenses, myself included. Well I might be an opportunist and take this career path to better my future. Imagine schooling, what fun! well adios muchacho and I hope you enjoyed this little excerpt from senor Hannah.:)